v The Legion's Objects [Halaman 6] [Completed] | UNSOLVED INDONESIA

The Legion's Objects [Halaman 6] [Completed]

Kau tau ceritanya. Pernah ada 2538 obyek, dimana 2000 sudah hilang, dan hanya menyisakan 538 yang dapat dicari. Namun, bagaimana jika ku katakan padamu bahwa sebagian kecil dari 2000 obyek yang hilang, sebenarnya sudah berhasil diungkap oleh sekelompok Seeker?

“The Apostle”, adalah julukan yang diberikan kepada grup misterius itu. Mereka melakukan perjalanan ke tempat para Holder, namun apa yang mereka cari bukanlah obyek, melainkan cerita.

Mereka melaksanakan setiap ujian, melewati bahaya kematian, dan resiko kegilaan, hanya untuk bertanya kepada Holder manapun yang mau menjawab sebuah pertanyaan sederhana : “Wahai Holder, bisakah kau menceritakan padaku, satu cerita dari 2000 obyek yang hilang?”

Kebanyakan cerita akan cukup disturbing, tidak masuk akal dan absurd. Meskipun begitu, diantara cerita-cerita yang didengarkan, apostle sesekali akan menerima pengetahuan tertentu tentang The Legion’s Object

Itu adalah obyek yang telah berhasil diklaim oleh Legion, sosok seeker kuat, yang keberadaannya sekarang, ibarat sebuah cerita hantu.

<<< Kembali Ke Chapter 401 - 538

Holder of Angst
Holder of Ba
Holder of Blessing
Holder Of Cataclysm
Holder of Differance
Holder of Fairness
Holder of Flesh
Holder of Language
Holder of lost memories
Holder of Records
Holder of Tears
Holder of the Abyss
Holder of the Blood Pen
Holder of the Hidden
Holder of the Lost
Holder of the Memorial
Holder of The Nameless
Holder of the Protectorate
Holder of the Shadow Song
The Holder of a Prize
The Holder of Animals
the Holder of Anticipation
The Holder of Carnage
The Holder of Currency
The Holder of Defeat
The Holder of Delusions
The Holder of Desire
The Holder of Determination
The Holder of Dissonance
The Holder of Dogs
The Holder of Doom
The Holder of Doom, menurut Jack
The Holder of Duality
The Holder of Duplicates
The Holder of Employment
The Holder of Ever After
The Holder of Evolution
The Holder of Famine
The Holder of Fantasy
The Holder of Film
The Holder of Fog
The Holder of Force
The Holder of Genocide
The Holder of Gravity
The Holder of Harmony
The Holder of Home
The Holder of Horror
The Holder of Hubris
The Holder of Ideas
The Holder of Indecision
The Holder of Ink
The Holder of Insidiousness
The Holder of Insignificance
The Holder of Knowing
The Holder of Loneliness
The Holder Of Masquerades
The Holder of Me
The Holder of Menagerie
The Holder of Miracles
The Holder of Mischief
The Holder Of Monarchy
The Holder of Nostalgia
The Holder of Perception
The Holder of Perfection
The Holder of Permanence
The Holder of Precision
The Holder of Pregnancy
The Holder of Rebellion
The Holder of Reckoning
The Holder of Reclamation
The Holder of Reconciliation
The Holder of Regret
The Holder of Retribution
The Holder of Schizophrenia
The Holder of Sight
The Holder of Strange Fruit
The Holder of Subtlety
The Holder of Temporary Relief
The Holder of the Answer
The Holder of the Face
The Holder of the Hive
The Holder of the Horde
The Holder of the List
The Holder of the Middleman
The Holder of the Ninth
The Holder of the Pulse
The Holder of the Rift
The Holder Of The Smells
The Holder of the Spire
The Holder of the Storm
The Holder of The Strategy
The Holder of the Taint
The Holder of the Unholdable
The Holder of the Wave
The Holder of the Yellow
The Holder of Us
The Holder of Vampirism
The Holder of Water
The Holder of Weakness

Kembali Ke Menu Utama The Holders Series

3 Responses to "The Legion's Objects [Halaman 6] [Completed]"

  1. Gua kira admin lama gak upload gara-gara sibuk dengan kehidupan diluar blog.
    But no, ternyata admin lagi nyiapin 1 project gede dari the holder series.

    Padahal kalo gak salah admin pernah bilang gak akan ngetranslet cerita the holder series diluar cerita utama.

    1. Sebenarnya, niat awalnya admin hanya mau translate the holder dari chapter 1-538 aja.
      Namun mengetahui palingan juga gak bakal ada blogger lain yang mau translate cerita2 lain dari the holder, admin memutuskan untuk men translate sampai legion object.
      I know, ini adalah ambisi jangka panjang. Harapannya pengen di kebut, tapi ekspektasi sulit setuju dengan realita.

  2. Mantap min. Lu beneran effort buat translate nih series tanpa asal copas translate.
    Salute broh
